
Make sure you have space in life for your big rocks.

Stephen Covey relays a story in his book “7 Habits of Highly effective People” about how important it is to put the big rocks in life front and centre. In his analogy the big rocks are family, friendship, health, projects that will move you forward etc and the pebbles are the minutiae of life –

Make sure you have space in life for your big rocks. Read More »

Advice from my Mother

When my mother died recently, my family were overwhelmed by the wonderful messages we received and naturally spent a lot of time reminiscing. Mum was born in 1934, so part of the generation who “just got on with it”. She rarely complained and played with the cards dealt to her; enjoying the good times and

Advice from my Mother Read More »

Do you give good instructions? Do others know what you mean?

You know what you’re doing and why but does everyone else? Have you ever felt you appear to be speaking another language? You tell someone what’s needed and yet when you come back it’s not even close to what you expected? Is it that everyone you’re talking to just doesn’t “get” it … or could

Do you give good instructions? Do others know what you mean? Read More »

How to create a great pitch so other’s take action.

The past few months we’ve been working with a number of clients who want their teams to create and deliver talks and presentations; specifically, as part of social media videos and campaigns. We’ve also been contacted by a number of business owners struggling to move back to face-to-face networking and deliver great pitches. They’ve become

How to create a great pitch so other’s take action. Read More »

Don’t make a bad situation worse. My takeaways from recent hotel stays.

Having not stayed away from home for the past 20 months I have stayed in 4 different hotels in just the last 2 months; twice for work and twice for pleasure. Pre-Covid, I tended to stay in the same type of hotel for business (low cost, standard service, you know exactly what you’ll get and

Don’t make a bad situation worse. My takeaways from recent hotel stays. Read More »