Leadership & Management Skills

Make sure you have space in life for your big rocks.

Stephen Covey relays a story in his book “7 Habits of Highly effective People” about how important it is to put the big rocks in life front and centre. In his analogy the big rocks are family, friendship, health, projects that will move you forward etc and the pebbles are the minutiae of life – […]

Make sure you have space in life for your big rocks. Read More »

How not to give feedback and what to do instead

If you had some negative feedback to impart to a colleague, we were told to dress it up with something pleasant. So, you would find a couple of positive elements and then sandwich the negative comment in between. Imagine you thought a team member’s presentation was pretty good but that the slides they had created

How not to give feedback and what to do instead Read More »

Do you give good instructions? Do others know what you mean?

You know what you’re doing and why but does everyone else? Have you ever felt you appear to be speaking another language? You tell someone what’s needed and yet when you come back it’s not even close to what you expected? Is it that everyone you’re talking to just doesn’t “get” it … or could

Do you give good instructions? Do others know what you mean? Read More »

Where should you speak from in a meeting?

One of the major complaints I hear about Zoom meetings is that they can be quite confrontational. A bit like constantly attending a panel interview where you are eyeballing, and being eyeballed, by everyone in the room (including yourself)! However, the benefits of Zoom include things such as being able to see everyone at the

Where should you speak from in a meeting? Read More »