
Why getting into the room you are due to present in, before everyone else, is important

When you’re presenting, there are lots of good reasons to get into the room before everyone else arrives. You can get a feel for the room; check the acoustics and generally make sure there are no surprises. If you are using a mic you can plan for how/if/when you need to be miked up and

Why getting into the room you are due to present in, before everyone else, is important Read More »

How Umming and Erring in a speech can improve your believability.

I came across an interesting paper, while researching an upcoming presentation, called “Exploring Filler Words and Their Impact” by Emily Duvall, Aimee Robbins, Thomas Graham and Scott Divett. It’s a report looking at filler words, their impact on credibility of the speaker and comprehension of the listener. It’s a subject I have always found interesting.

How Umming and Erring in a speech can improve your believability. Read More »