
What does the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve have to do with your presentation?

According to the German Psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus you are likely to forget what you learn within 7 days. After 24 hours he concluded that about two-thirds of anything memorised is forgotten. Not great news if you are trying to memorise your presentation. However, there are some things you can do to help yourself retain information.

What does the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve have to do with your presentation? Read More »

How to create a great pitch so other’s take action.

The past few months we’ve been working with a number of clients who want their teams to create and deliver talks and presentations; specifically, as part of social media videos and campaigns. We’ve also been contacted by a number of business owners struggling to move back to face-to-face networking and deliver great pitches. They’ve become

How to create a great pitch so other’s take action. Read More »

Why getting into the room you are due to present in, before everyone else, is important

When you’re presenting, there are lots of good reasons to get into the room before everyone else arrives. You can get a feel for the room; check the acoustics and generally make sure there are no surprises. If you are using a mic you can plan for how/if/when you need to be miked up and

Why getting into the room you are due to present in, before everyone else, is important Read More »

Where should you speak from in a meeting?

One of the major complaints I hear about Zoom meetings is that they can be quite confrontational. A bit like constantly attending a panel interview where you are eyeballing, and being eyeballed, by everyone in the room (including yourself)! However, the benefits of Zoom include things such as being able to see everyone at the

Where should you speak from in a meeting? Read More »

Don’t let your communication problems stop you from communicating.

When I was little, I couldn’t pronounce my ‘R’’s so I would get “Weally, weally cwoss” and my father told me I would be OK so long as I didn’t marry a “Wobert”. I had elocution lessons (as they were called then) to help me change ‘Weally’ to ‘Really’ and ‘Wobert’ to ‘Robert’ … which

Don’t let your communication problems stop you from communicating. Read More »