How to make the most from a potential disaster

I recently spoke at an online presentation. Nothing unusual about that, I get asked to speak a lot and it’s one of our core routes to market. I show you what we do and then you might remember me when you’re looking for training on that topic. However, this was slightly different as the person organising the event hadn’t told me I was speaking!

I had agreed to speak at one of their monthly meetings and sent an idea for the presentation and I heard no more. About two months later I received a text asking me when I would be logging on as they had hoped to have 5 minutes before the meeting which was just starting.

As it happened, I was free and after a quick google which found the advert for the event and my name and details all over it … I had two options – not to turn up (which would look like I had let the organiser down) or get online and deliver my presentation … unprepared.

I decided that I needed to “walk the talk” and use all the techniques I give to others to help them get in front of the camera … and an unprepared me would be better than no me. So, I quickly set up and arrived at the meeting less than 5 minutes late.

What did I learn?

  1. It is ALWAYS better if you have time to run through and practice your presentation before you speak. Even if you’ve done it numerous times before … preparation makes a difference.
  2. Your posture changes the way you feel. Sitting up with good posture and leaning slightly forward before I spoke made me feel more confident as well as helping me look as though I knew what I was doing.
  3. Breathing deeply while being introduced helped me to calm down and reduce the nerves. Breathing well also makes sure that you can think on your feet which is what I was having to do!
  4. Have somewhere that you know you can present from that is easily accessed, well lit and where the camera will be well positioned. Then you can just concentrate on what you are saying and how you say it.
  5. And most of all that the audience have no idea what you’re going to say so if you miss something out or change the order … it doesn’t matter, they won’t know!

Was I the best I could be? No.

Was I the best version of me in that moment despite not knowing I was going to present until a few moments earlier? Yes!

Would I choose to present without preparation again? No … (but if I had to I would).