Networking Made Simple
Master the art of networking in 30 days!
This 4 Module programme will take you from Uncomfortable to Natural Networker in less than a month. It has been designed to provide you with a selection of videos and documents to enable you to:
- decide who to network with
- where to meet them,
- what to say when you do,
- staying in touch and
- keeping tabs on where your time is best spent.
Before you start, if you haven’t already, then go to our website and complete our Communication Style quiz. This will help you to understand your personal style of communication and how that impacts on others.
When you are networking you will be meeting people with very different ideas of what great communication looks like and you will be at your most effective when you adapt your style to theirs. Of course, understanding how to network is just part of the story. You have to get out there, practise and see what works for you so at the end of each module are a list of suggested actions.
At the end of the programme you have a chance to speak with me and if during the programme you have any questions then just email me on or book a call.
Where, Why & Who
This module contains 7 videos totalling about 20 minutes. The order they are shown in has been selected assuming you are a complete novice at networking so if you’ve been networking for a while there may be ground you have covered before. However the joy of planning and strategy, as nothing stays the same, is that it is never a waste of time to revisit what you are doing and why!
I recommend you listen to all the videos in the Module all the way through and then go back to those that need some input when you’ve had a think about it and downloaded the relevant sheets. However, if you want to dip in or work your way through methodically, it is entirely up to you.
Introduction to Networking
Lots of people have a view of what networking is and in this video I give you my take on what it is and what it is for.
Different networking types
Networking well means that you will make new contacts and friends but for it to be worth your while it has to be done with a purpose. I use networking as a key part of my marketing plan and generate a lot of business through the connections I have built up. This video talks about the different types of networking there are and my hope is that you will come to see that whatever your role, networking for you and your business is important and worth investing some time into.
Assessing your networking strengths
Video 3 takes you through some of the skills required for networking and will help you to determine the areas where you need to concentrate your efforts. The exercise I take you through is worth revisiting periodically as your skill set changes.
Before watching this video download the Networking skills wheel.
Creating your networking strategy
This video will help you to decide who you want to meet, where they might be and why you want to meet them.
Although this programme is about face to face networking there is always going to be an opportunity to network on-line. In Module 4 we will look at following up and the likes of LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook make this much easier so when you consider the time you are willing to invest in your networking don’t forget to factor in the on-line element.
Before watching this video download the Networking strategy sheet.
Once you have defined your networking strategy you can start looking at where your time will be best spent and what sort of events you want to attend. Videos 5 & 6 were originally filmed for our blog and give you my tips on testing groups and why it is important to visit different groups and styles as well as, once selected, to keep going consistently.
There is a list of groups that you can download – if a group you attend is missing then let me know and we’ll add it to the list.
Test groups
Different groups have a different vibe even when part of the same franchise so in this video I talk about why it is important to visit a variety of groups and giving any event at least one try.
Keep going
Having made a decision to join a group you should keep going and here I explain why.
Starting to monitor your networking
The last video in this module talks about monitoring what you are doing so that you can start to see where you are getting the most traction and benefit. If you keep good records then you can start to see the patterns really quickly. I’ve created a simple spread sheet but if you have a contact management system it will be worth considering if that will allow you to report on where you met or who referred you in which case that may be a better option.
Before watching this video download the Sample networking spread sheet and associated notes.
- Complete your networking skills wheel.
- Complete your networking strategy sheet.
- If you haven’t already – register to attend 3 different networking events in the next month.
Getting in and starting a conversation
This is the bit for many that is the most frightening so there are quite a few videos here covering every aspect that I am asked about.
As a bonus you receive access to our first impressions programme. 6 videos taking no more than 10 minutes to watch covering the six most important elements for making a great first impression: a good posture, eye contact, your smile, your handshake, understanding territory and boundaries and of course, body language.
Once you are confident that you are making a great first impression then we can work on feeling comfortable getting into the room and starting a conversation. There are 9 videos in this section running for a total of about 18 minutes.
Before the event
Preparation is key and this video gives you some ideas of how to make the most of your preparation time.
Understanding referral types
What’s the difference between referral types and how can you get more?
Getting into the room
Lots of people find the idea of walking into a room full of strangers difficult and here I give you my top three tips for overcoming this.
Your introduction – so what do you do?
You need a sentence that introduces you easily and this video helps you to think about how to introduce yourself and what you do.
How to start a conversation
Wearing something that others can comment on is a great way to help reduce the number of silent moments, here I explain how
Open questions
Open questions can’t be answered with a Yes or a No and they help the conversation flow. Watch this to see what an open question is and how effective they can be.
Having a few open questions in your back pocket (literally if need be) can mean that you never have to stand in awkward silence wondering what to say again! Have a look at our list of suggestions and feel free to let us have any that you use and work well for you.
Another three videos that were originally filmed for our blogs, which will build on your skills. There is no point starting a conversation and using lots of open questions if you aren’t really listening and that’s covered by the first two videos. Additionally the curse of all networkers is networker’s neck and here I explain what it is and what not to do
Are you really listening
There is a big difference between listening and just waiting for your turn to speak. This video expands on this thought and how to listen more than you wait.
Listening using the rapid repeat method
Here I show you a technique to help you refocus on the speaker and follow the conversation. Particularly useful in noisy rooms or where you can hear other conversations around you.
Networkers Neck
Suffer from this and you’ll soon find the referrals drying up so watch this video to make sure you aren’t inadvertently affected.
- Create an introduction for yourself.
- Create some open questions to take with you.
- As you start attending events complete your networking spread sheet.
Getting out of conversations and your magical minute
You’re in the room, making conversation and getting to know people. Now you are worrying about how to get out of conversations without looking rude. And at some events, how you are going to deliver a great introduction to the room.
Fear not! This module is designed to help you get the most out of your time at a networking event and your opportunity to tell the room about your business. The 5 videos in this section run for less than 15 minutes.
Finishing a conversation
For some, the fear of not being able to get out of a conversation is the reason they don’t start one. Here I give you my suggestions on how to move on and meet more people without appearing rude.
The difference between a minute and a 1-1
A short video to show how a minute and a 1-1 meeting are as different as an advert and a brochure
What to include in your minute
This video shows you the effect of just listing your services against putting a little more thought into what to include.
Don’t read your minute
If you don’t have eye contact with your audience they won’t hear you. Another video from our blogs which highlights this really important point
Your 5 fingered minute
How do you make sure you always have something to say even when you weren’t expecting to say something! A failsafe technique that will make sure you never lose an opportunity to speak again.
There are 3 one minute templates available for you to download and use as an aide memoir when you are thinking about how to say what you want to say.
video yourself delivering your 1 minute and send it to me or just send me what you would say ( Tell me if there is anything you would like help with; I’ll have a look at it and feedback to you within 3 working days
- Create a minute for yourself (and send me a copy for feedback).
- Think of some exit statements and try them at your next event.
- Visit an event where you have to deliver a minute within the next month.
Following up, 1-1s and reviewing your networking
An area that many fall down on is having spent all that time and money getting out and meeting people they don’t follow up. This module is all about how to follow up, run a 1-1 meeting and check that what you are doing is effective. Just 5 videos taking less than 14 minutes to watch.
Following up and what should happen in a 1-1
You’ve gone to the trouble of travelling to a café to meet your new contact and taken time out of your busy diary so you want to make the most of this opportunity. This video covers how to make the most of your time.
Once you have started to build relationships with others you are going to need to ask them to do things for you and they will ask you. These two videos from a previous programme cover the basics for making requests confidently and getting comfortable saying No.
Making requests
Making requests can be difficult and here we show you the “What, when, why” method for asking for what you want.
Saying No
It isn’t always possible to say “Yes” to everyone and to be honest it isn’t always preferable to either. For many, saying “No” isn’t comfortable and this video covers how to do it effectively.
Analysing how effective your networking is
To make the most of your networking time it’s important that you keep a check on where you are spending your time and where your business is coming from.
Before watching this video download the updated sample networking spread sheetwith analysis.
Completion Video
Congratulations you’ve completed the programme and now I can tell you how to keep in touch. Don’t forget to revisit your plans and analysis at least every quarter to see how you are doing and do please let me know how you get on
- Arrange and hold a 1-1 meeting.
- Start analysing how effective your networking is.
- If you haven’t already, decide on some groups and events that you are going to join and attend consistently.
So what now?
Firstly; now would be a great time to reflect on how far you have come! Business strategist, Peter Thomson always says you should measure your success from where you came from and not where you want to get to and he is right! It is so easy to pass your milestones without celebration and forget they even happened. Think back on where you were at the start of the programme and consider how your networking has improved.
Secondly; remember that you learn by planning what you are going to do, doing it, reflecting on what has gone well or not and then deciding what to change to get a different outcome (if that’s what you want). Developing your networking skills is exactly the same so give yourself some time each month to consider how and if you want to make any changes.
And lastly; give me a call if you would like to know more about how I can help you to have more impact and influence at work, improve your presentation and networking skills or if you would like to understand your communication style better