Hospitality & Tourism Training

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What you want

It’s not enough for customer or client service to be good… it needs to be excellent.
Whether you’re communicating by phone, over the internet or face to face, we provide customer service training to help you build rapport, avert misunderstandings or misinterpretations and leave your clients with a great opinion of your business and the way it handles all kinds of issues.

What we offer

We have particular expertise providing customer service training to tour guides. visitor experience, front of house and retail staff within the tourist and hospitality industry.
We also have a comprehensive range of workshops and supporting courses to specifically help you and your team develop the enhanced communication and listening skills which come with growing confidence in your own ability to handle even the most disgruntled of guests.

How it works

We can create a bespoke workshop, or series of workshops and coaching sessions to support your team and business. Simply tell us what you need and we’ll put it together for you.

For the tourist industry we can design a variety of workshops for guides, which are adaptable to scripted delivery, on-the-spot, off-the-cuff exhibit information, or a combination of both.

Our workshops combine customer service skills with the ability to impart information in a way that suits your business or attraction.


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