Presentation & storytelling

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Our guess is you’re here because you don’t enjoy standing up and speaking out! Perhaps you’re already a good presenter, but you want to be great! Or possibly you want to give your presentation style more impact and pizazz.
Or you have staff who become two dimensional versions of themselves when they’re asked to present.
It could be for a raft of reasons but the bottom line is it’s affecting you or your team and you want to do something about it!
There are any number of different reasons for discomfort, but whatever these are, our physical and mental reactions to them are generally the same.
When training, actors have to learn tricks and techniques to fight the fear so they appear completely confident and at ease in any situation. Our workshops offer you the opportunity to learn and use these techniques equally successfully.
Our workshops are an interactive, hands-on way to develop presentation skills and grow confidence; whether you just want to enhance your delivery style or develop your storytelling skills.
By the end of our workshops, you’ll be a whole lot clearer on what you can do to come across as being at the peak of your professional ability, whether you’re in front of one person or a thousand.
You can choose a half-day, one-day or two-day workshop or we can design a programme to suit your specific needs.
On our one or two-day workshops you will receive individual feedback to help you improve and build on existing skills with the opportunity to listen and learn from the experience and advice of others in the same situation as you.
Our workshops are hugely enjoyable because they’re all about building you up, never about knocking you down! And we can run them online over Zoom or in the room at your offices.

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